As we continue to build and strenthen Incydr's capabilities to safeguard your data and prevent file exfiltration, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue support for the Incydr backup add-on, effective January 1, 2027.
We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition and are providing tools and resources to help you manage your data before the end-of-life date.
For more details, review the FAQs below.
Why is the Incydr backup add-on being discontinued?
- Incydr's mission is to enable organizations to detect and prevent data leaks and theft. Discontinuing the backup add-on allows us to focus our resources on innovating, developing, and supporting features that further strengthen Incydr's capabilities.
What is the end-of-sale date for the Incydr backup add-on, and what happens on this date?
- The end-of-sale date for the Incydr backup add-on is December 31, 2025.
- This is the last date you can purchase a renewal of the Incydr backup add-on. On January 1, 2026, no further orders will be accepted, but we will continue to provide support, updates, and maintenance until December 31, 2026.
What is the end-of-life date for the Incydr backup add-on, and what happens on this date?
- The end-of-life date for the Incydr backup add-on is December 31st, 2026.
- This is the final date the backup add-on will be functional and supported. After this date, we will no longer support the Incydr backup add-on functionality, maintain archives, or allow backups and restores to continue. Archives will be deleted after the end-of-life date.
Can I purchase extended support for the Incydr backup add-on beyond December 31, 2026?
- No. Support for the backup add-on will stop on January 1, 2027, and archives will be deleted after this date.
My contract will end partway through 2026. Can I extend my contract through the end of 2026?
- No. The Incydr backup add-on cannot be renewed in increments of less than one year. Your contract for the Incydr backup add-on can be renewed throughout 2025 and is valid until your 2026 subscription end date.
How long will support continue for the Incydr backup add-on?
- Support for the Incydr backup add-on ends on December 31st, 2026, or at the end of your subscription period, whichever comes first.
Will updates or patches be provided until the end-of-life date?
- Yes, the backup add-on will continue to be fully supported and maintained until December 31st, 2026.
Restoring your backup data
What happens to my backup data on January 1, 2027?
- All backup-related data will be permanently deleted. Backup archives will be inaccessible and unrecoverable after this date.
How can I restore backup data prior to the December 31, 2026 end-of-life date?
- You can perform a data restore via the method of your choice. Our recommendation is a device restore.
- If you have a large number of devices that need to be restored, we recommend the bulk restore tool (BRT). This free tool is ideal for restoring the contents of many archives to a single storage location.
Is there a charge to restore or move my data?
- No. You will continue to have full product functionality at no additional cost.
How do I restore files that are on legal hold?
- See Collect files from a legal hold for the steps to restore files on a legal hold. To ensure file metadata is retained, restore to a target device with the same operating system as the device the files were originally collected from.
Is there a migration path to another backup provider?
- There is no method for direct migration from Mimecast to another backup provider. Data can be restored via the method of your choice throughout the duration of your licensed contract. Our recommendation is a device restore.
Ongoing availability of exfiltrated file contents
Without the backup add-on, will I still have access to file contents within Incydr during an investigation?
- Yes. The insider risk agent captures a copy of all exfiltrated files. Incydr data is unaffected by the end-of-life for the backup add-on.
Without the backup add-on, how can I view file contents for an investigation via Incydr?
- Exfiltrated files are available to download from the file event details. See our File event metadata and Endpoint Data Collection support articles for more information.
Billing and support
Can I end my contract early and get a prorated refund?
- No, prorated refunds are not available. The backup add-on will remain functional throughout the duration of your contract. Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for additional contract inquiries.
If I need help or have more questions, how do I contact support?
- Create a ticket to reach out to our support team at any time.