Collect files from a legal hold


This tutorial explains how to collect files from users on a legal hold (known as custodians). A separate article covers the creation and configuration of legal holds, as well as how to place custodians on a legal hold.

File collection from a legal hold may be part of a more general eDiscovery process, covered in our eDiscovery Integration Guide.


Watch the short video below to learn how to collect files for a legal hold. For more videos, visit the Code42 University


  • The target device must have the Code42 agent installed to receive the collected files.
  • To collect files, a custodian must be on a legal hold.
  • A custodian's files are not available immediately. Allow time to back up the custodian's devices and data before collecting files. The time required depends on the size of the selection.
  • The following user roles have permission to collect files from a legal hold:
    • Org Legal Admin (this role can only restore files for users within the administrator's organization and its child organizations)
    • Cross Org Legal Admin
  • A custodian's files cannot be collected if the user meets one or both of the following conditions:
Code42 partnership with Zapproved
Our Zapproved partnership enables you to use Zapproved to manage your legal hold process. Learn more about how to integrate Code42 and Zapproved for eDiscovery


Code42 collects files by restoring files from a custodian's backup to the device you chose.

  1. Sign in to the Code42 console.
  2. Select Administration > Legal Hold > Matters.

  3. Click the name of the matter you want to collect files from.
  4. Click Custodians.
  5. Click Get Files.
    If you have the Org Legal Admin role, Get Files is not available if the custodian is outside your organization and its children organizations. Users with the Cross Org Legal Admin role can get files for custodians in other organizations.
  6. If the user has more than one active device, choose a device.
  7. Choose the following options in the Web Restore dialog:
    • Destination from which to restore files (if needed)
    • The backup set from which to restore files, if the device has more than one backup set using that destination
      The From Backup Set list is available only when multiple backup sets on the device use the same destination. Legal hold data may be in a separate backup set. To get all data, restore from each backup set. 
    • Target device
      You can only restore to active devices.
    • Target location
      • Target Path
        Specify a file path on the device for the restore.
      • Original Location
        Specify that the files should be restored to their original location on the device.
    • Target
      (Appears only if you select Target Path). The target path parameter can only be entered if the target device is online.
    • (Optional) Restore files as of
      If you leave this field blank, the latest file versions are collected.
    • Files to restore
      • Narrow choices using the search field.
      • Select files or folders to collect.
        If you choose to collect a large number of files, preparing the files for restore may take several minutes.

    Legal hold web restore dialog

  8. Click Restore to start collecting files.
    Code42 downloads the files to the device and file path you chose.
Additional information for system administrators
Legal holds use the same technology for file collection as the Code42 console uses for web restores. For more technical information on collecting files, please see the Code42 console web restore reference guide and tutorial.