Your Code42 environment sends email notifications for many types of events such as user backup status alerts, administrator backup status reports, and password recovery requests. These email notifications are based on standardized templates (.eml files) stored in your instance of the Code42 cloud.
This article describes how to customize the content of email templates using the following Code42 API resources:
Customizes the text content of emails. -
Customizes the co-branding logo that appears next to the Code42 logo in emails.
- To complete this process, you must have the Customer Cloud Admin role.
- This process requires use of the Code42 API.
- If you are not familiar with using APIs, review Code42 API syntax and usage.
- For assistance with using the Code42 API, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to engage the Code42 Professional Services team.
- Users in organizations where Client visibility is set to Hidden do not receive email notifications.
Changes you make to email templates using the procedures in the article are live in the production email system. There is no test area to verify your changes before going live.
API structure and syntax
Request URL
United States
- If you sign in to the Code42 console at https://console.us.code42.com (US1), use:
- https://console.us.code42.com/api/v4/email-text-customization/
- https://console.us.code42.com/api/v3/EmailLogoCustomization/
- If you sign in to the Code42 console at https://console.us2.code42.com (US2), use:
- https://console.us2.code42.com/api/v4/email-text-customization/
- https://console.us2.code42.com/api/v3/EmailLogoCustomization/
- If you sign in to the Code42 console for the Code42 federal environment at https://console.gov.code42.comm (US3), use:
- https://default-primary.gov.code42.com/api/v4/email-text-customization/
- https://default-primary.gov.code42.com/api/v3/EmailLogoCustomization/
- If you sign in to the Code42 console at https://console.ie.code42.com (EU1), use:
- https://default-primary.ie.code42.com/api/v4/email-text-customization/
- https://default-primary.ie.code42.com/api/v3/EmailLogoCustomization/
Emails that you can customize
You can customize the text in the following emails using the email-text-customization
API resource. These example emails show the default email text.
You can customize the following portions of these emails:
- Heading (title) and body of the backup alert email
- Body of the backup report email
- Body of password reset emails
- Footer that appears at the bottom of every email
Backup status report
A backup status report email is automatically sent to Code42 administrators on a regular schedule to keep them informed about the status of devices in their Code42 environment. To set the schedule, use Send backup report in the organization settings.
Backup alert
A backup alert alert email is sent to users whose devices have not backed for a set number of days. By default, an email with "Warning" in the subject line is sent if a device has not backed up in 3 days, and an email with "Critical" in the subject line is sent if a device has not backed up in 5 days. Set the number of days with the Alerts organization setting or the Alerts device backup defaults setting.
Reset your password (user-initiated)
If users forget their Code42 password, they can click the Forgot Password link on the Code42 agent sign-in page. When they do, a password reset email is sent to them.
Reset your password (administrator-initiated)
A password reset email is sent to users whose administrators select Reset Password from the action menu on the user's account details page.
Customize email content
The example steps shown here use curl, a command-line tool on Linux and Mac for HTTP communication. Other tools are also available.
To make the return values more readable, the API request examples here that produce output include the following to pipe the output to the Python JSON decoder:
| python3 -mjson.tool
Step 1: Send yourself test emails
To see the emails available for text customization, send yourself test emails.
- Sign in to your Code42 console with your administrator credentials.
- Press Ctrl + Shift + X to open the Code42 console command-line interface (CLI).
- Enter the following
commands to send yourself test emails for each type of email template available for customization. Replace <username> with your full Code42 username. Type the commands one-at-a-time to the CLI and press Enter. The test emails are sent to the email address associated with the username.
test.email <username> backup_alerts test.email <username> backup_reports test.email <username> password_reset_user test.email <username> password_reset_admin
Step 2: View default email content
Email templates are composed of segments. You can view available segments by using the email-text-customization/view
API resource.
Adapt the following email-text-customization/view
API request to view a list of all segments that you can customize. In the following example:
- Follow these steps to obtain an authorization token.
- Replace
with your authorization token. - Replace
with the URL of your Code42 cloud environment.
curl -vv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "authorization: Bearer <AuthToken>
" "https://console.us.code42.com/api/v4/email-text-customization/view" | python3 -mjson.tool
Following is an excerpt of successful response. Notice the text indicated with the "defaultContent" label. This is the default content that is used in the emails when the segments are not customized. To see this content as it appears in emails, see the email examples shown earlier in this article.
{ "metadata": { "date": "2019-02-04T11:01:44.129-06:00", "headers": [] }, "data": { "emailTextCustomizations": [ { "category": "GLOBAL", "segment": "MESSAGE_FOOTER", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "This is a message from Code42.<br />100 Washington Avenue South Suite 2000, Minneapolis, MN, 55401 USA<br />© 2019 Code42 Software, Inc. All rights reserved.", }, { "category": "BACKUP_ALERTS", "segment": "TITLE", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "<h1>Backup Alert!</h1><p>The following device has been unable to reach any backup destinations. To reduce the risk of data loss, please follow the instructions below.</p>", }, { "category": "BACKUP_ALERTS", "segment": "BODY", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "<h2>What to do:</h2><p>Ensure your device is connected and online. Then launch the Code42 app and click <b>Run Backup Now</b>.</p><p>For more information, <a href=\"https://code42.com/r/support/con-settings-email-templates-backup-alert-cloud\">please see the documentation</a>.</p>", }, { "category": "BACKUP_REPORTS", "segment": "BODY", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "<h1>Backup Status Report</h1><p>Below is a regular backup status report to keep you informed about the health of your devices' backups.</p><p>For more information, <a href=\"https://code42.com/r/support/con-settings-email-templates-backup-status-report-cloud\"> please see the documentation</a>.</p>", }, { "category": "PASSWORD_RESET_USER", "segment": "BODY", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "<h1>Reset Your Password</h1><p>You are receiving this email because you requested a password reset for your account. If you did not request a password reset, please contact us immediately.</p> <p>For more information, <a href=\"https://code42.com/r/support/con-settings-email-templates-reset-password-cloud\">please see the documentation</a>.</p><p>This link <b>can only be used once.</b></p>", }, { "category": "PASSWORD_RESET_ADMIN", "segment": "BODY", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "<h1>Reset Your Password</h1><p>Your Code42 account administrator has requested a password reset for your account.<br />Click the following link to reset it.</p><p>For more information, <a href=\"https://code42.com/r/support/con-settings-email-templates-reset-password-cloud\">please see the documentation</a>.</p><p>This link <b>can only be used once.</b></p>", } ] } }
Step 3: Update the email content
You can update email content by specifying a JSON file containing your customizations. You can create a JSON file using a text editor.
The JSON file can use only the following HTML tags:
- Headers: <h1> - <h6>
- Paragraph: <p>
- Link: <a href>
- Line break: <br />
- Formatting: <b>, <i>, <s>, <u>, <sup>, <sub>, <ins>, <del>, <strong>, <strike>, <tt>, <code>, <big>, <small>, <em>, <li>, <ul>, <ol>
Copy the output from the preceding step and paste it into the editor you're using to create the JSON file. This will form the basis of your JSON file. Make sure to do the following:
- Remove the "data": { } wrapper.
- Remove the "contentType" sections.
- Rename the "defaultContent" sections to "content".
- Only include those segments you want to customize. You can place a single segment in a JSON file, some segments, or all segments.
- Enter the new content you want to use for the segments in the "content" sections. The following example, which we'll title updateAll.json, contains changes to all segments.
{ "emailTextCustomizations": [ { "category": "GLOBAL", "segment": "MESSAGE_FOOTER", "content": "This is a message from Example Corporation, 1234 Anywhere, USA. Copyright: 2019 Example Corporation, Inc. All rights reserved." },
{ "category": "BACKUP_ALERTS", "segment": "TITLE", "content": "<h1>You need to back up.</h1><p>The following device has been unable to reach any backup destinations. Follow the instructions below.</p>" }, { "category": "BACKUP_ALERTS", "segment": "BODY", "content": "<h2>What to do:</h2><p>Ensure your device is connected and online. Then launch the Code42 app and click <b>Run Backup Now</b>.</p> <p>If you need additional help, Call Example Corporation's IT help line.</p>" }, { "category": "BACKUP_REPORTS", "segment": "BODY", "content": "<h1>Backup Status Report</h1><p>Below is the backup status of devices.</p>" }, { "category": "PASSWORD_RESET_USER", "segment": "BODY", "content": "<h1>Reset Your Password</h1><p>You are receiving this email because you requested a password reset for your account. If you did not request a password reset, please contact us immediately.</p> <p>This link <b>can only be used once.</b></p>" }, { "category": "PASSWORD_RESET_ADMIN", "segment": "BODY", "content": "<h1>Reset Your Password</h1><p>Your Code42 account administrator has requested a password reset for your account. Click the following link to reset it.</p><p>This link can only be used once.</p>" } ] }
- Adapt the following
API request to update the segments per the JSON file you created. Place the JSON file in the directory from which you run this command, or provide the full path in the "@" command. Remember to replace <AuthToken> with your authentication token, and replace console.us.code42.com with the URL of your Code42 cloud instance.
Example API request using our updateAll.json file:
curl -vv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "authorization: Bearer <AuthToken>" -d "@updateAll.json" "https://console.us.code42.com/api/v4/email-text-customization/update"
Following is an example of a successful response.
> POST /api/v4/email-text-customization/update HTTP/1.1
> Host: console.us.code42.com
> Authorization: Basic anBhZG1pbkBleGFtcGxlLmNvbTpqcGFkbWlu
> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> Content-Length: 1740
> Expect: 100-continue
< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
} [1740 bytes data]
* We are completely uploaded and fine
< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
- Re-run the
API request to view your customized email content.
curl -vv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "authorization: Bearer <AuthToken>""https://console.us.code42.com/api/v4/email-text-customization/view" | python3 -mjson.tool
Following is an example of a successful response. Notice that the customized content that we specified in our updateAll.json file is shown with the "customizedContent" label.
{ "metadata": { "date": "2019-02-04T11:01:44.129-06:00", "headers": [] }, "data": { "emailTextCustomizations": [ { "category": "GLOBAL", "segment": "MESSAGE_FOOTER", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "This is a message from Code42.<br />100 Washington Avenue South Suite 2000, Minneapolis, MN, 55401 USA<br />© 2019 Code42 Software, Inc. All rights reserved.", "customizedContent": "This is a message from Example Corporation, 1234 Anywhere, USA. Copyright: 2019 Example Corporation, Inc. All rights reserved." }, { "category": "BACKUP_ALERTS", "segment": "TITLE", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "<h1>Backup Alert!</h1><p>The following device has been unable to reach any backup destinations. To reduce the risk of data loss, please follow the instructions below.</p>", "customizedContent": "<h1>You need to back up.</h1><p>The following device has been unable to reach any backup destinations. Follow the instructions below.</p>" }, { "category": "BACKUP_ALERTS", "segment": "BODY", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "<h2>What to do:</h2><p>Ensure your device is connected and online. Then launch the Code42 app and click <b>Run Backup Now</b>.</p><p>For more information, <a href=\"https://code42.com/r/support/con-settings-email-templates-backup-alert-cloud\">please see the documentation</a>.</p>", "customizedContent": "<h2>What to do:</h2><p>Ensure your device is connected and online. Then launch the Code42 app and click <b>Run Backup Now</b>.</p> <p>If you need additional help, Call Example Corporation's IT help line.</p>" }, { "category": "BACKUP_REPORTS", "segment": "BODY", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "<h1>Backup Status Report</h1><p>Below is a regular backup status report to keep you informed about the health of your devices' backups.</p><p>For more information, <a href=\"https://code42.com/r/support/con-settings-email-templates-backup-status-report-cloud\"> please see the documentation</a>.</p>", "customizedContent": "<h1>Backup Status Report</h1><p>Below is the backup status of devices.</p>" }, { "category": "PASSWORD_RESET_USER", "segment": "BODY", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "<h1>Reset Your Password</h1><p>You are receiving this email because you requested a password reset for your account. If you did not request a password reset, please contact us immediately.</p> <p>For more information, <a href=\"https://code42.com/r/support/con-settings-email-templates-reset-password-cloud\">please see the documentation</a>.</p><p>This link <b>can only be used once.</b></p>", "customizedContent": "<h1>Reset Your Password</h1><p>You are receiving this email because you requested a password reset for your account. If you did not request a password reset, please contact us immediately.</p><p>This link <b>can only be used once.</b></p>" }, { "category": "PASSWORD_RESET_ADMIN", "segment": "BODY", "contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML", "defaultContent": "<h1>Reset Your Password</h1><p>Your Code42 account administrator has requested a password reset for your account.<br />Click the following link to reset it.</p><p>For more information, <a href=\"https://code42.com/r/support/con-settings-email-templates-reset-password-cloud\">please see the documentation</a>.</p><p>This link <b>can only be used once.</b></p>", "customizedContent": "<h1>Reset Your Password</h1><p>Your Code42 account administrator has requested a password reset for your account. Click the following link to reset it.</p> <p>This link can only be used once.</p>" } ] } }
Step 4: Verify that emails use your customized content
You can confirm that your customized content displays properly in emails by sending yourself test emails.
- Sign in to your Code42 console with your administrator credentials.
- Press Ctrl + Shift + X to open the Code42 console command-line interface (CLI).
- Enter the following
commands to send yourself test emails for each type of email template available for customization. Replace admin@example.com with your Code42 username. Type the commands one-at-a-time to the CLI and press Enter. The test emails are sent to the email address associated with the username.
test.email <username> backup_alerts test.email <username> backup_reports test.email <username> password_reset_user test.email <username> password_reset_admin
- Open and review the test emails to ensure the customized content is correct.
- If any changes are needed, make adjustments in your update JSON file and re-run the
Remove customized email content
You can remove customized content from email segments with the email-text-customization/remove
API. Those email segments from which you remove customized content revert to using the default email content.
- Create a JSON file that contains the list of the email segments from which you want to the remove customized content. The following example reverts all segments. We'll name our example JSON file removeAll.json.
{ "emailTextCustomizations": [ { "category": "GLOBAL", "segment": "MESSAGE_FOOTER" }, { "category": "BACKUP_ALERTS", "segment": "TITLE" }, { "category": "BACKUP_ALERTS", "segment": "BODY" }, { "category": "BACKUP_REPORTS", "segment": "BODY" }, { "category": "PASSWORD_RESET_USER", "segment": "BODY" }, { "category": "PASSWORD_RESET_ADMIN", "segment": "BODY" } ] }
- Adapt the following
API request to remove the customized content for the email segments specified in the JSON file you created. Place the JSON file in the directory from which you run this command, or provide the full path in the "@" command. In the following example, remember to replace <AuthToken> with your authentication token, and replace console.us.code42.com with the URL of your Code42 cloud instance.
curl -vv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "authorization: Bearer <AuthToken>" -d "@removeAll.json" "https://console.us.code42.com/api/v4/email-text-customization/remove"
Excerpt of successful response:
> POST /api/v4/email-text-customization/remove HTTP/1.1
> Host: console.us.code42.com
> Authorization: Basic anBhZG1pbkBleGFtcGxlLmNvbTpqcGFkbWlu
> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: application/json
> Content-Length: 173
} [173 bytes data]
* upload completely sent off: 434 out of 434 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
- Re-run the
API request to view the reverted email content.
curl -vv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "authorization: Bearer <AuthToken>" "https://console.us.code42.com/api/v4/email-text-customization/view" | python3 -mjson.tool
Notice that in the output there are no email segments with the "customizedContent" label. Instead, they only show the "defaultContent" label. The following excerpt shows the first two segment in the output:
"metadata": {
"date": "2019-02-04T11:01:44.129-06:00",
"headers": []
"data": {
"emailTextCustomizations": [
"category": "GLOBAL",
"segment": "MESSAGE_FOOTER",
"contentType": "SIMPLIFIED_HTML",
"defaultContent": "This is a message from Code42.<br />100 Washington Avenue South Suite 2000,
Minneapolis, MN, 55401 USA<br />© 2019 Code42 Software, Inc. All rights reserved."
Customize the email logo
You can use the EmailLogoCustomization
API resource to insert your company's logo next to the Code42 logo in emails. Your logo must meet the following criteria:
- Format: JPEG or PNG
- Maximum height: 36 pixels
- Maximum width: 121 pixels
Add your logo
- In the following example, replace <AuthToken> with an authentication token, and replace CompanyLogo.png with the name of your logo file. Place the logo file in the directory from which you run this command, or provide the full path in the "@" command. Replace console.us.code42.com with the URL of your Code42 cloud instance.
curl -vv -X POST -H "authorization: Bearer <AuthToken>" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" --form "logo=@CompanyLogo.png" "https://console.us.code42.com/api/v3/EmailLogoCustomization"
To verify that the logo was added successfully, adapt the following authorization request to retrieve the logo that is in the system.
In the following example, replace CopyOfMyCompanyLogo.png with the name of the file you want to hold the logo copy, and replace console.us.code42.com with the URL of your Code42 cloud instance.
curl -vv -X GET -H "authorization: Bearer <AuthToken>" -o CopyOfMyCompanyLogo.png "https://console.us.code42.com/api/v3/EmailLogoCustomization"
The logo is retrieved and placed into the file name you specified. The content type of the retrieved file is shown in the output as "Content-Type: image/png" for example. If the retrieved file is a different file type than specified in the file name, change the file name suffix after retrieval to the correct file type.
- To confirm that your new logo displays properly in emails, send yourself test emails.
- Sign in to your Code42 console with your administrator credentials.
- Press Ctrl + Shift + X to open the Code42 console command-line interface (CLI).
- Enter the following
commands to send yourself test emails for each type of email template available for customization. Replace admin@example.com with your Code42 username. Type the commands one-at-a-time to the CLI and press Enter. The test emails are sent to the email address associated with the username.
test.email <username> backup_alerts test.email <username> backup_reports test.email <username> password_reset_user test.email <username> password_reset_admin
- Open and review the test emails to ensure the logo displays correctly.
Update the logo
Adapt the following API command to update the logo. In the following example, replace NewCompanyLogo.png with the name of your logo file. Place the logo file in the directory from which you run this command, or provide the full path in the "@" command. Replace console.us.code42.com with the URL of your Code42 cloud instance.
curl -vv -X PUT -H "authorization: Bearer <AuthToken>" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" --form "logo=@NewCompanyLogo.png" "https://console.us.code42.com/api/v3/EmailLogoCustomization"
Delete the logo
Adapt the following API command to delete your logo from the emails. In the following example, replace console.us.code42.com with the URL of your Code42 cloud instance. After you run this command, only the Code42 logo appears in the emails.
curl -vv -X DELETE -H "authorization: Bearer <AuthToken>" "https://console.us.code42.com/api/v3/EmailLogoCustomization"