Resolve "There is an issue with the connection" error


Issues such as a change in the Code42 service account credentials can cause a data connection to enter an Error status. When such unknown errors occur, this message is displayed in the details for the data connection in the Code42 console:

There was an issue with the connection to <Display Name>. Code42 is not monitoring activity. 

Follow the directions provided in the error message to return the data connection to Monitoring.

This article provides more information to assist you in resolving the error. 

Resolve the connection issue


  1. Deauthorize the data connection.
  2. (Optional) Revoke the Code42 OAuth-connected app.
    When you deauthorize the connection, Code42 automatically deletes its authorization and connection information, including any OAuth tokens required to access your Salesforce environment. However, you can also revoke the Code42 app in Salesforce to increase security.
    1. Log in to Salesforce using the credentials assigned to the Code42 service account.
    2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, click the profile icon and then click Settings.
    3. In the navigation menu, go to My Personal Information > Connections.
    4. Locate the Code42 application in the OAuth Connected Apps table and then click Revoke in the Action column.
  3. Verify the Code42 service account's details:
    1. Verify that the profile has the correct permissions.
    2. Verify that the user's username and password credentials are valid and have not expired.
  4. Set up the data connection again.

If these steps don't resolve your error, contact our Technical Support Engineers


  1. Deauthorize the data connection.
  2. Do one of the following depending on the error presented:
    • The custom Code42 Cloud Service app in your Box Admin Console is disabled or does not exist. 
      Enable the custom app in the Box Admin Console.
    • The custom Code42 Cloud Service app in your Box Admin Console does not have the right permissions or does not exist.
       Reauthorize the custom app in the Box Admin Console.
  3. Resume monitoring.

If these steps don't resolve your error, contact our Technical Support Engineers

Google Drive

  1. Deauthorize the data connection.
  2. Do one of the following depending on the error presented:
    • The Google Super Admin specified during authorization does not exist or was not found.
      Verify the spelling and format of the username you want to use to authorize the data connect, and confirm that that username has a Super Admin role in the Google Admin console. See also Resolve Google Super Admin errors.
    • Verify that your Google Workspace subscription includes "Drive log events." 
      Confirm that your Google edition supports Drive log events in the Google Admin console.
    • The Code42 Google Services API client in your Google Admin Console (Client ID: <client ID>) does not have the right permissions or does not exist.
      Validate the Google Services API client ID and scopes are configured correctly in the Google Admin console. See also Troubleshoot Code42 Google Services API client issues.
  3. Resume monitoring.

If these steps don't resolve your error, contact our Technical Support Engineers

Microsoft OneDrive

  1. Deauthorize the data connection.
  2. Resume monitoring.

If these steps don't resolve your error, contact our Technical Support Engineers

Google Gmail and Microsoft Office 365 email

  1. Deauthorize the data connection.
  2. Do one of the following depending on the environment:
  3. Set up the data connection again.

If these steps don't resolve your error, contact our Technical Support Engineers