Deploy Code42 agents


This article describes multiple strategies for deploying Code42 agents to user devices. You can integrate your apps with SSO, for example, without user intervention. The article is intended for administrators using device management tools like SCCM for Windows or Jamf Pro for Mac. This article provides:

  • Introduction to Code42 agent deployment and description of how it works in general.
  • Links to help you with specific environments and specific deployment strategies.

For simplified instructions, see:


  • To use these deployment tools, you need to sign in to your Code42 console as a user with the Security Administrator role. 
  • In the Code42 federal environment, app installations must be deployed with a deployment policy to ensure the use of FIPS encryption in the Code42 agent. Users cannot download the installation package from the Code42 console or an email message.
  • Creating and using Code42 deployment policies requires familiarity with:
    • Creation and configuration of organizations in your Code42 environment.
    • The authentication methods that your organizations use to manage users.
    • The process you use to distribute and install applications to user devices (typically a device management tool like SCCM for Windows or Jamf for Mac)
  • If you install the backup agent on a device, you must also install the insider risk agent. For directions to install both agents, see Install the insider risk and backup agents. Installing only the backup agent on a device is not supported. 

  • Do not restore Code42 application files backed up from one device as a means to install the insider risk agent on a different device. Application files are unique to each device and cannot be transferred to a new device.

Need help?
For assistance, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to engage the Code42 Professional Services team. If you don't know who your CSM is, contact our Technical Support Engineers.

Insider risk agent

Backup agent