About the operating system support policy


Code42 supports Code42 agents running on computers whose operating systems are supported by their vendors. Code42 does not support its software on computers running an operating system that is no longer supported by its vendor, including operating systems past the end of vendor support receiving patches through an extended security update program.

Supported operating systems

See Supported operating systems.

Support policies for operating systems


Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Code42 agents can be used on computers running the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system. Code42 agents are supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux until the end of Red Hat's lifecycle for major versions. Each minor version will be supported until the next minor version is released. For details on the support lifecycle, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle.


Code42 agents can be used on computers running the Ubuntu operating system. Code42 agents are supported on Ubuntu until the end of Ubuntu's Long Term Support (LTS) lifecycle. The LTS lifecycle is 5 years from release date. For details on the support lifecycle, see The Ubuntu lifecycle and release cadence.


Code42 agents can be used on computers running Mac operating systems. Code42 agents are supported on macOS until Apple no longer supports the operating system. Apple does not adhere to an official support lifecycle cadence. See Apple's macOS Support page for information on support for its operating systems. 


Code42 agents can be used on computers running the Windows operating system. Code42 agents are supported on Windows until the end of the Enterprise and Education Editions support lifecycle. The lifecycle is typically 18 months from release date. For details on the support lifecycle for Windows, see Microsoft's Windows lifecycle fact sheet

Supported operating systems announcements

On a regular basis, Code42 reviews operating system support and announces updates as needed via email and postings on the Code42 community.

Retirement of operating systems

When an operating system is no longer supported by its vendor, it is no longer supported by Code42, and is shown in the list of previously supported operating systems for Incydr. Code42 no longer supports, guarantees operation of, or promises assistance with Code42 products running on these operating systems.

Code42 agent upgrades may be blocked on unsupported operating systems

If your computer runs an older version of an operating system that is no longer supported by Code42, Code42 may block upgrades of Code42 agents on the computer. To permit upgrade to the most recent version, update the operating system on the computer to a supported version as shown in: Supported operating systems.

Frequently asked questions

What can I do to continue using future releases of Code42 agents?

To continue receiving software updates and support for future releases of Code42 software, you must upgrade your operating system to a supported version.

As an administrator, what can I do to ensure that my environment continues to function and that my users continue to be protected?

To continue receiving software updates and support for future releases of Code42 software, you must upgrade the operating systems of computers in your Code42 environment to a supported version.

If you have any questions, contact our Technical Support Engineers.

Updates to this document

This document should not be interpreted as a legally binding commitment, but rather as an informational document that may change occasionally as we respond to changing market conditions and to our customers' needs.

This document represents the current view of Code42 as of the date it was posted. Code42 may change or update this policy at any time, without notice. Code42 cannot guarantee that this document will be kept up to date, nor that any typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions will be corrected. Please check this document periodically to keep informed of any changes.

All online policies and similar documents are for informational purposes only. Code42 makes no warranties, express, implied or statutory, by posting such documents or about the information in such documents.

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