This reference guide includes detailed information about managing users and their devices, adding new users, and managing roles.
To view users:
- Sign in to the Code42 console.
- Go to Administration > Environment > Users.
The Users list includes:
- Users with devices running a Code42 agent for Incydr monitoring or backup. Generally, these users are automatically added:
- By syncing with your organization's identity management provisioning provider.
- When the Code42 agent installed on the endpoint successfully registers with the Code42 cloud.
- Administrative users that sign in to the Code42 console for management and monitoring tasks.
Item | Description | |
a | Create user |
Opens the Add user panel. First select an organization, then enter the user's details. The user details fields vary based on the selected organization. For example, organizations that use local authentication include password fields, while organizations that use single sign-on only require an email address. |
- |
Elevated users report (not pictured) |
Generates a CSV report of users based on the roles you select. This enables you to audit access privileges. Only visible to users with the Customer Cloud Admin role. |
b | Device report |
Opens the Device Status report, which shows details about backup agents for the users listed. |
c | Export |
Exports the current list of users to a CSV file and downloads it to your local device. For more information on the fields included in the export, see CSV export field descriptions. |
d | Filter |
Filters the list of users by username, organization, role, User UID, or user status. By default, the table is filtered to only show active users. |
e | Filtered by | Identifies the filters applied to the users list. Click the X to remove a filter. |
f | Username | The Code42 username assigned to the user. |
g | Name | The user's first and last name. If first and last names were not specified when the user was created, a dash appears here. |
h | Status | The user's status. By default, the table is filtered to only show active users. Click Filter |
i | Installed agent count |
Indicates the total number of agents installed on all of the user's devices. Includes the insider risk agent, backup agent, and legacy agent. |
- |
Backup archives (not pictured) |
The size of this user's backup archives, if applicable. |
j | View user details |
Click to open the user's details to view more information about that user. |
Filter the Users table
By default, the table is filtered to only show active users. To update filters:
- Click Filter
The Filters panel opens. - Select filters to update the table. A user must match all specified filters to be included in the results.
- Username: Enter the first few characters of a user's first or last name, then select a user to view only that user.
- View organization: Select an organization to view users in that organization. Optionally, begin typing an organization name to view suggested matches.
- User UID: Enter a user's UID to view only that user. User UIDs are included in CSV user exports, file event details, various reports throughout the Code42 console, audit log details, and the Code42 API.
- Role: Select one or more user roles.
- Status: Select one or more statuses: Any, Active, Deactivated, or Blocked.
- Backup archives: Select All users, Users with backup archives, or Users without backup archives. If you select All users or Users with backup archives, the size of the backup archives appears in the Backup archives column. (Backup agent only)
- Click Apply.
The user list updates to match your filter selections.
View user details
Click any row in the Users table to view more details about that user.
Item | Description | |
a | User |
The user's first and last name, if available. If first and last names were not specified when the user was created, a dash appears here. |
b | Status |
The user's status. Options include Active, Deactivated, and Blocked. For more details, see Block, deauthorize, and deactivate Blocked only applies to users with the backup agent. |
c | View profile | Click the link to view the user's profile. |
d | Organization | Name of the user's organization. Click the link to view that organization's details. |
e | Actions |
Lists actions to perform on the user:
f | Code42 username | The users' Code42 username. |
g | Date created | The date the user was added to Code42. |
h | User attributes | If you use User Directory Sync or SCIM provisioning, this information is automatically populated by your provisioning provider. You must first add the department and title attributes if you use Okta provisioning or PingOne provisioning. If you don't use provisioning, this information does not appear and cannot be added manually. |
i | Data Sources |
The endpoints that have been assigned to the user and that are monitored by Code42. If devices are listed here, click Details to view that device's details. For more information, see Add user data sources. |
j | Preservation |
Backup agent only Provides backup status details for the user's devices, including storage used, restore history, and backup progress for each device and destination. |
k | Roles |
The roles assigned to the user. Click Edit |
l | Reference |
Optional external reference information, such as a serial number, asset tag, employee ID, or help desk issue ID. Use Notes to add other descriptive information. For more details, see Add reference information to devices, users, and organizations. |
m | Device details | Indicates the operating system and hostname of the device. |
n | Active / deactivated agents | Select to view the user's Active or Deactivated agents. |
o | Agent details | Indicates the installed agent type, version number, and last connected date. |
p | Restore files |
Backup agent only Opens the Web restore view, which enables you to download files backed up from this device. For more details, see Restore files from the Code42 console. |
q | Additional details | Opens the Device details view, which provides more details, settings, and actions for this device. For more details, see Devices reference. |
r | View | Choose to view All devices or only Devices with active agents. |
If users are moved to a different organization, it could affect their backup. For example:
- Different destinations offered: If the new organization does not offer the same destinations as the user's previous organization, any of the user's data from destinations that are no longer offered are put in to cold storage.
- Frequency and version settings: Any differences in the new organization's frequency and version settings are applied to the backup archive after the user device connects to the Code42 cloud instance. Depending on the new organization's frequency and version settings, some data could be removed.
- Auto-start backups: If the new organization has any destinations configured to auto-start, the Code42 agent begins backing up to those destinations immediately. Destinations that are not configured to auto-start appear in the Code42 agent for the user to select.
Edit user account details
To edit a user's account, select Actions > Edit account details from the user's details screen. All users can edit their own account information, but only administrators with the correct permissions can edit another user's account details.
Item | Description | |
a | General information |
The user's First name, Last name, and Code42 username. Some users cannot edit their Code42 username. This happens when both of the following are true:
When such users attempt to change their Code42 username, the "Unable to save changes. Try again." message appears. Changing these details while the user is signed in to the Code42 console may require the user to sign in again. |
-- |
Backup quota (not pictured) |
Backup agent only Edits the user's storage quota. |
b | Change password |
This section appears only for local users who authenticate directly with the Code42 cloud to sign in to the Code42 console.
c | Save | Click to save your changes |
CSV export field definitions
Click Export to download a CSV file with user details for all users returned by the current filters.
For additional definitions of user attributes, see the Users section in the Code42 Developer Portal.
Field | Description |
userId |
Identification number of the user. |
orgId |
Organization where the user resides. |
username | Login name for the user. |
Email address associated with the user's account. | |
displayName | Name displayed in the Code42 console for the user. |
status | Status of a user is active, blocked, or deactivated. |
computerCount | Number of devices registered to the user. |
shareDeviceCount | Deprecated. No longer in use. |
backupDeviceCount | Number of devices associated with the user. |
lastLoginDate | Last time the user signed into the Code42 console. |
active |
Indicates if the user is active. TRUE: Active FALSE: Deactivated |
blocked |
Indicates if the user is blocked. TRUE: Blocked FALSE: Not blocked |
warningCount | Number of user devices that have not backed up within the defined warning interval specified in the organization settings. |
criticalCount | Number of user devices that have not backed up within the defined critical interval specified in the organization settings |
targetComputer | Identification number for the device used for computer-to-computer backup. |
selectedFiles | Total number of files selected for backup. |
selectedBytes | |
lastBackupDate | Date when any one of the user's devices backed up. |
lastCompletedBackupDate | Date when any one of the user's devices had a 100% complete backup. |
archiveBytes | |
todoBytes | |
todoFiles | |
userUid | The user's UID (unique ID). |
orgUid | The UID (unique ID) of the user's organization. |
userExtRef | |
notes | |
firstName | The user's first name. |
lastName | The user's last name. |
orgName | The user's organization name. |
orgType |
Organization type.
authType | The authentication method for users in this organization (LOCAL, LDAP, RADIUS, or SSO). A blank value means the default of LOCAL. |
usernameIAnEmail | Whether the username is an email. |
creationDate | Organization creation date. |
modificationDate | Date when the organization was last modified. |
passwordReset | Whether a password reset is required. |
invited | Whether the user was invited to Code42 via email. |
securityKeyType | The type of security key for the user. |
targetComputerGuid |
GUID of the device used for computer-to-computer backup. Computer-to-computer backup is deprecated. |
billableByes | Number of billable bytes. |
quotaInBytes | User's backup quota in bytes. A value of -1 means unlimited backup. |
percentComplete | Restore percent complete. |
archiveBytesDelta | The difference, in bytes, between what has been backed up and what remains to be backed up. |
archiveBytesDeltaMonth |
The difference, in bytes, in the archive from this month to the previous month. |
archiveHistory | The number of archives for the user. |
emailPromo | Whether the user receives promotional email. |